Monday, February 1, 2010

Do Moms Still Spank Over The Knee Mom And Dad STILL Spank Me?

Mom and dad STILL spank me? - do moms still spank over the knee

I am 13 years old and my mother nor my buttocks, butt naked. It is so humiliating! even if done in front of friends when he caught me with cigarettes (I was honest with smoke, not to observe and photograph them with your friends by pretending it) - I was embarrassed then pulled her onto his lap. it hurts a lot - and even worse, my father, my belt back, if I do something wrong - it hurts! When there is always something bad that my mother had me later in the night, in my father, and later sometimes third anther few days. My father uses the case, belt or hairbrush pants down. Last year I won a bar of chocolate and chips and it has uncovered 12 minutes (at my age at the time), grounding and community service. Punish him so much? How can I stop my parents not to spank my age, that the scourge of 13 years


VoiceofC... said...

How can you stop? Stop bringing trouble. It is so hard to understand.

Mariposa said...

I do not know what someone says, this is completely wrong, not to plagues of history, but hello! she is 13! No, not acceptable to his mother to give you a sound thrashing in front of your friends or without panties, what is crazy? Talk to someone at school about this, maybe a teacher, if it is doen to talk to them to stop humiliating and bizarre. When he was fully dressed and in private, is another story.

Ben said...

What you need to do is show that you are mature and deserve other forms of punishment instead of a beating. You ask the parents to sit and talk with young adults who are parents. Stay calm, no matter what they say, would have a positive effect on the long term. The main thing is to show that it is ripe for a thrashing to believe.

Erika said...

I am 14 and still sometimes better than me, but usually only once and then no penalty. It really hurts, I know. I would ask you if you could just be the sanction of the community. We regret that, and try to ice cream and lotion: (

boyjeff said...

12 minutes spanking, spanking several bands, brushes ... sounds like a movie for me. And not a general ... bad as they are.

Ryn said...

I was 15 the last time that I was hit, you're too old. Stop acting like an idiot and act rather than a spanking to get worried

Corvinus said...

Worry, if he goes for another twenty years!

Corvinus said...

Worry, if he goes for another twenty years!

Kemo Sabe said...

It sounds a little weird for me.

Bryan B said...

I think I should not bad things do not now, right?

Sarah M said...

I can tell you he has never met. And then I have my parents never gave a reason to spank. I have friends who were impressive. He did not smoke and do not cause problems. I recommend you try only to themselves, until you leave your parents' roof. "Concept" If you do not smoke, do not argue. Be your own person and the freedom to be themselves, not to be. Schedule a free country? But there are laws? Justice? Punishment? However, it may be free in it. Therefore, we need a little creativity. Do something that makes everyone jealous, but that their parents agree. Start a great hobby to help hip-hop dance or painting, or your dog to sick children in hospital .. something you different brands, but makes his parents proud: "My friend called balance btwn the two. Balance is good.
I personally believe that hitting is barbaric and a psychologist will tell you that it works, but consequeces you say no, it does not work. Belts are now as abuse. A conversation with the parentsand ask them to consider the alternative sentence, Heck Get smart with it! Show items from journals cited on this subject, there are tons. You're young, but when you make a case with your parents to show them very loyal to punish you, what works for you and do for them, then. Let them know also that you work hard and proud, they want to but be aware that this is his body, is something that you like, British Columbia, is left intact to you and God (if you believe).


Justice For All said...

The next time your father is a belt or brush on the bare buttocks, you should tell your teacher the next day. At age 13, you must be in puberty and the father should not Bare Ass spanking her daughter at this age because there are sexual connotations. In addition, next time came twelve minutes, you tell your teacher the blue (its history should base) because it is unfair. And if you Spank the presence of non-family members, as a teacher or a policeman.

As for the flogging of 13 years, there is nothing wrong with that, in appropriate limits. You should be lost by the parents of the same sex (in this case was that his mother in particular) and your father does not allow somebody to be present or have a beating. Not implemented (for example, without belt or hairbrush, etc.) are used and the beating should not) to large (more than one or two minutes.

If her parents had been within these limits, the punishment would be accepted, but, unfortunately, have crossed the border on abuse. But without proof, can do nothing. Sooner or later, even though pressing it again, then go to your teacher or a male police immediately. The doctor should examine you (for bruises and marks), and probably will either promote or at the group home. Your family may or may not be criminal charges before, and you can expect to take education courses. If and when they are sent home and take revenge, call CPS and tell them what happened. I suggest you memorize, and sooner or later you will need.

You should expect your family to be angry with you, talk about abuse. They can be very hostile and I do not want to back and family members are not allowed to come speak with you. Or perhaps the pressure to lie to not get their parents into trouble. You do nothing else, always tell the truth ... not to lie by their parents. If you have suffered a defeat, which must be corrected. And your father lashes must be stopped more things before you proceed.

Take care.

Advent said...

I really hope it is a strange work of fiction but the truth of concern, as one of 12 minutes spanking discipline is not a fighter, and only an idiot, troll or a sadist would think it is acceptable. (Go ahead and thumbs down if you fall into this category) A First Responder's website recently wrote that he believed YA forwarded allegations of abuse to local authorities (the trace of the IP address) of your rent if you report a problem, such as damage to a child, so that's what I do. I noticed your question there is an injury to a minor, because if what is written, true, if the parents actually forced to undress, then with a belt, hairbrush, belt or break the trip a hand for 12 minutes, and then abused. It is not possible, so everyone could a game against, without resisting fought like a madman.

If you do this, simply delete the question and fill the Dodge and a better way, for their time. If you tell the truth, then you should call CPS online and ask their opinion about it. Perhaps nowto investigate real and to the CPS and the police in their city in their name.

Take care.

King of the potato-people said...

The police is easier for adults to steal the little things, so yes, I was upstairs. Struck again everyone has the right to self defense. Assault with a weapon and sexual harassment is worse than smoking.

reds_199... said...

If you know the evil that you do not!

reds_199... said...

If you know the evil that you do not!

tragicki... said...

You should only hit in the back!

What do you ma '!

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